Documentary views: 20 years after the cessation of the bombings in Vieques

By: Diana Ramos Gutiérrez

Different Viequense, local and international efforts from all sectors led on May 1, 2003, to the United States Navy finally ceasing the war practices it had been carrying out for more than 60 years on Vieques soil. This process and the historical moments that led to it, as well as the effects of militarization on the Isla Nena, have been documented through different cinematographic works made in and outside of Puerto Rico. Short films, medium-length films and feature films, as well as archives, are a source of memory of one of the most important historical events in the defense of human and environmental rights, as well as against militarization and in favor of peace, in our country and the region.

On the occasion of the commemoration of 20 years since the cease of the bombing and still in the face of broad demands for fundamental rights and reparations for the people of Vieques, the Vieques Film and Human Rights Festival (FCDHV) has brought together some of these documentary works, which can be accessed for free online.

Cuando lo pequeño se hace grande - Mariem Pérez (2000)

Mariém Pérez presents us, in her first documentary, a look at the Viequense people who fought against the United States military presence on this beautiful island of the Puerto Rican archipelago.

Vieques, an island forging futures - Johana Bermúdez (2000)

This work demonstrates part of the peaceful resistance movement against the bombing practices of the US Navy on Nena Island. It tells the story of a people's struggle against the most powerful armed forces in the world.

Vieques in the mirror of Panama - Eduardo J. Aguiar (2003)

The experience of the people of Panama is compared to that of Puerto Ricans in this documentary: pollution, terror, unemployment and frequent threats to public health are some consequences, among many others, of the North American military presence.

Vieques, a feature film - William Nemcik (2000)

It exemplifies the unity of the Vieques struggle in its political, religious and civil diversity. It documents the consensus process of the people, its promoters, its obstacles, its detractors, and even the warlike declarations of the Navy hierarchy and its allied congressmen.

Vieques Island of Conflict and Dreams - Cristóbal A. Borges (2003)

Documentary made as part of a master's thesis for the University of Texas. It presents the conflicts and dreams, on the part of its residents, around the cessation of the bombing and war practices in Vieques.

Bieké: Turning Point (2003)

A documentary chronicle about the last night of Camp García in Vieques on May 1, 2003. What happened there from the afternoon of May 1 until noon the next day was documented in a close manner, with no intention other than to record the events, with the aim of transmitting that story to those who could not be present.

In the last week of June 2003, the Federal Court in Puerto Rico issued an indictment for destruction of federal property against 12 people. This documentary is released twenty years later.

Vieques: Worth Every Bit of Struggle - Mary Patierno / Natalia Muñoz (2005)

It covers the period of protests in which more than 1,500 protesters were arrested as the movement in Vieques attracted international attention. This film captures the perspective of the residents, excluding military and government officials.

Vieques, an unfinished battle - Juan Carlos Dávila (2016)

It alludes to the persistent consequences for the Viequenses more than a decade after the US Navy's bombing of the island municipality ceased. Likewise, it shows the ongoing fight to recover all the land taken by the Navy in 1941.

Finally, there is a digital archive that houses a collection of valuable interviews with some of the prominent figures of the struggle in Vieques. Although it is not a documentary itself, we wanted to share this important resource with you.

The struggle of Vieques: a digital video archive - Juan Carlos Rodríguez

This documentary work was carried out by Professor Juan Carlos Rodríguez shortly after the bombing on Isla Nena stopped. It has transcripts of the interviews that were done at that time.

The Historical Archive of Vieques also has, through its YouTube channel, hundreds of news, interviews, talks and documentaries for your consultation.


Miradas documentales: a 20 años del cese del bombardeo en Vieques